
Shengqiang Zhang

Shengqiang Zhang (张盛强)

Ph.D. student at the University of Munich (LMU Munich)

My current research focuses on natural language processing (NLP), grounded language processing, and the link between NLP and robotics.

Personal News

  • [Sept. 2022] I start my PhD at LMU Munich!
  • [Sept. 2022] I start my PhD at LMU Munich!
  • [Sept. 2022] I start my PhD at LMU Munich!
  • [Sept. 2022] I start my PhD at LMU Munich!
  • [Sept. 2022] I start my PhD at LMU Munich!
  • [Sept. 2022] I start my PhD at LMU Munich!
  • [Sept. 2022] I start my PhD at LMU Munich!
  • [Sept. 2022] I start my PhD at LMU Munich!
  • [Sept. 2022] I start my PhD at LMU Munich!
  • [Sept. 2022] I start my PhD at LMU Munich!
  • [Sept. 2022] I start my PhD at LMU Munich!
  • [Sept. 2022] I start my PhD at LMU Munich!
  • [Sept. 2022] I start my PhD at LMU Munich!
  • [Sept. 2022] I start my PhD at LMU Munich!
  • [Sept. 2022] I start my PhD at LMU Munich!

Email / Google Scholar / GitHub / CV

I am a first-year Ph.D. student at the Center for Information and Language Processing (CIS) at LMU Munich. I am very fortunately co-advised by Prof. Hinrich Schütze and Prof. Barbara Plank. I am also an associated Ph.D. of relAI. Previously, I obtained my master’s degree from Peking University in July 2021. Before starting Ph.D., I spent a gap year as a research assistant advised by Wei Lu at SUTD, Singapore. I have several internships in industries such as Microsoft Research Asia and Baidu Search, where I fortunately worked with Xingxing Zhang and Dehong Ma, respectively.


(* indicates equal contribution)


Work Experience